Abkürzungen Nachrichtentechnik Englisch
AN = Access Node
APC = angled physical contact
ATM = Asynchronous Transfer Mode
BER = Bit Error Rate
B-PON = Broadband PON
CDM = Code Division Multiplexing
CO = Central Office
COT = Central Office Terminal
CPE = Customer Premises Equipment
CSA = Carrier Serving Area
CTS = Common Technical Specification
DBA = Dynamic Bandwidth Assignment
DP-QPSK = Dual-polarization quadrature phase shift keying
DSL = Digital Subscriber Line
DSLAM = Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer
DWDM = Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
EF = encircled flux
EFM = Ethernet in the First Mile (IEEE 802.3ah)
EMI = Electromagnetic Interference
EMS = Element Management System
EOC = Embedded Operations Channel
E-PON = Ethernet PON
FDF = Fiber Distribution Frame
FDH = Fiber Distribution Hub
FDI = Feeder-Distribution Interface
FEC = Forward Error Correction
FER = Frame Error Rate
FITL = Fiber In The Loop
FOT = Fiber Optic Terminal
FSAN = Full Service Access Network
FTTB = Fiber-to-the-Business
FTTC = Fiber-to-the-Curb
FTTCab = Fiber-to-the-Cabinet
FTTH = Fiber-to-the-Home
FTTN = Fiber-to-the-Node (or Neighborhood)
FTTP = Fiber-to-the-Premises (includes FTTH and FTTB)
GEM = G-PON Encapsulation Mode
GE-PON = a commercialized E-PON
GFP = Generic Framing Procedure
G-PON = Giga-bit PON (G.984.x series)
HCS = Hard clad silica fiber
ILEC = Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier
IOR = index of refraction
LAN = Local Area Networks
LMD = launched modal distribution
LSA = least squares average
LSPM = light source and power meter
LU = Living Unit
MAC = Media Access Control
MAN = Metropolitian Area Networks
MDF = Main Distribution Frame
MMF = multimode optical fibre
MOCA = Multimedia Over Coax
NID = Network Interface Device
NT = Network Termination
OAM = Operations, Administration and Maintenance
ODN = Optical Distribution Network
OLT = Optical Line Termination
OMCC = ONT Management and Control Channel
OMCI = ONT Management and Control Interface
ONT = Optical Network Termination
ONU = Optical Network Unit
OOK = On-Off-Keying
OSP = Outside Plant
OSS = Operations Support System
OTDR = optical time domain reflectometer
P2MP = Point to Multi-Point
P2P = Point to Point
PCS = Plastic clad silica fiber
PFOC = Passive Fiber Optic Component
PLOAM = Physical Layer Operations, Administration, and Maintenance
PMD = Polarization Mode Dispersion
POF = Polymer optical fibre
PON = Passive Optical Network
POTS = Plain Old Telephone Service
PSK = Phase-shift keying
QoS = Quality of Service
QPSK = Quadrature phase-shift keying
RX = Receiver
SAC = Serving Area Concept
SAI = Serving Area Interface
SAN = Storage Area Networks
SDH = Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SMF = singlemode optical fibre
SONET = Synchronous Optical Network
STB = Set-Top Box
TA = Terminal Adapter
TDM = Time Division Multiplexing
TDMA = Time Division Multiple Access
TE = Terminal Equipment
TX = Transmitter
TXR = Transceiver (Transmitter and Receiver)
VF = Voice Frequency
VoIP = Voice over IP
WAN = Wide Area Networks
WDM = Wavelength Division Multiplexing

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Email: info(at)fiberhelp.de